WDNA Wireless

We protect your business by real-time monitoring your networks activity and performance, detecting and resolving any problems quickly. Get a complete and detailed insight of what is going on in your network infrastructure and provide the best experience for your users.


Keep your network infraestructure
always ready

Telecommunications networks transmit sensitive and critical data and information for any organisation. Ensuring that they are working optimally all the time is key to business operation and the achievement objectives.

Data collection

We collect and analyse data from complex network environments, from multiple sources, and turn it into reliable and valuable information for client.

  • Multiple vendors & Technologies
  • Multiple data sources
  • Massive & unstructured data volumes
  • Heterogenous and rigid tool

Data management

We get real-time information to keep full control over tyour network performance and help you to prevent any vulnerability in the infraestructure that could endanger their correct operation.

  • Oss Insight
  • Universal Acces
  • OSS Data Integrity & Reliability
  • Page Automation

Data view

We provide you with a powerful data visualisation tool that gives you an overview of your network status, allows you to easily and comprehensible interpret the information, reach conclusions and speed up decision-making.

  • Control in complex scenarios
  • Simultaenous projects
  • Executive overview
  • Digitisation of information


Discover how you can leverage the value of the data collected and analysed during the monitoring process of your networks to poractively optimise their operational efficency, improve customer service and maximisee your revenue.

  • Efficiency of engineering teams
  • Monetisation
  • Revenue maximisation
  • Spectrum optimisation
  • Management of legacy technologies

WDNA skills

Our 24/7 Global Operations Centre (W-NOC) staffed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists are ready for early detection of potential network problems or failures and real-time notification to the customer to generate a quick response, taking corrective measures to improve performance or performing preventive mainteance.

WDNA skills - WDNA

entropy© SMART WIreless helps you measure the chaos of your network

entropy© SMART Wireless is the vertical of the entropy© SMART SW platform for monitoring, auditing, analytics and comprehensive management of multi-vendor and multi-technology telecommunications networks. It consists of three main modules:

Perfomance Monitoring

Fault Manager

Customer Experience










Federated Inventory

Insider 2E2 Topolgy

Netwirk as a Sensor

Forecasting Engine



Beneficios WDNA


1. Enjoy a tailor-made network infraestructure

We are commited to multi-technology and multi-vendor approach to build a technological solution adapted to specific needs and business challenges of each client.

2. Obtain a global vision of your work

We perform end-to-end (E2E) network audits of processes and network domains (RAN, CORE, Tx) that provide you with an analytical perspective to quickly discover what is happening in your network.

3. Maximise the performance and integrity of your OSS data

We actively and continuously ensure the integrity and reliability of your OSS network data through a proprietary KPI (W-INTEGRITY®).

4. Benefit from highly automated network manegement

We automotae network monitoring, auditing and optimisation processes, as well as the configuration of intelligent alerts to react proactively to any problems that arise.

5. Visualise your network activity and performance in a single dashboard

We provide a unified view of your network infraestructure and traffic flows thanks to a software platform, entropy© SMART Wireless, that makes it easy to understand, control and make decisions.

6. Surveillance your network 24/7 in real time

We protect your networks through proactive monitoring from our 24/7 Global Operations Centre (W-NOC) made up of a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists.


Innovative technologies solutions that will transform
your networks management


E2E network design
Radio planning
Special events
Traffic shaping


First tuning & triage
Drive tests, probes & benchmark
E2E capacity forecasting
Customer experience


ETL, scripting & big data
OPEX & CAPEX savings
Ticket and dispatch
Traffic leakage
Self Organized Networks


Network Operations Centre
E2E network engineering
Project management, PMP®
Special projects


Network integrity WDNA®
Configuration & features
Logical inventory

We monitor the perfomance and health of your network in real time

Real-time network monitoring and supervision has become a strategic tool in any company to ensure that its infraestructure is operational all the time. The opportunity to have a specialised NOC (Network Operations Center) that allows you to carry out proactive technology management and provide ongoing support can make a difference in que quality of service to your customers.

More and more companies are making the decision to have a centralised and remote NOC. WDNA is the right technology partner to take on the responsibilites of managing 24/7 NOC services, as it provides a multidisciplinary team of experienced and dedicated engineers and scientists for this task. Proactively monitors the performance of network elements, thanks to a system of alerts that prevent the risk of reaching critical thresholds for the service, among other functions.

At WDNA we offer the possibility of adapting the NOC to the needs of all types of companies.

Casos de éxito

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

El primer paso para prevenir y resolver problemas

, con independencia de su tamaño o sector en el que opere, necesita que su infraestructura de red funcione correctamente para asegurar que todos los procesos del negocio se desarrollan sin complicaciones. Lograr un óptimo rendimiento de las redes e identificar posibles deficienci...

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