Home Noticias Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd edition of the Dinapsis Open Challenge
27.07.2024 WDNA Group

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd edition of the Dinapsis Open Challenge

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During the day of December 16, 87 StartUp companies have participated in the 2nd edition of the Dinapsis Open Challenge, a space in which different technology-based companies present their R&D projects dedicated exclusively to the development of projects applicable to building Smart Cities. Projects dedicated to the management of air quality, early warning systems for extreme weather events, monitoring and control of water quality and its management stand out.

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Our CEO of Meteoclim, Carlos Alonso, at the presentation of the 2nd edition of the #DinapsisOpenChallenge. Wireless DNA has been the winner of this edition.

Thanks to the synergies achieved in Meteoclim and Wireless DNA, we have presented a very interesting project that perfectly combines meteorology and state-of-the-art technology. The presented project consists of the creation of a virtual rain gauge network, created from the electromagnetic signal of cell phone antennas. Each one of the cell phone antennas communicates with the surrounding antennas and when precipitation occurs, the electromagnetic signal received and emitted is affected. Thanks to WDNA's robust knowledge of telephone networks, it is possible to calculate the accumulated precipitation with a very high degree of reliability. This information is also used to make our nowcasting systems more robust and reliable.

You will find all this and much more in our weather blog from our colleagues at Meteoclim.

Como crear valor para el cliente

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

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