Home Noticias Wireless DNA present at "Job Day UIB 2020" at the University of the Balearic Islands
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Wireless DNA present at "Job Day UIB 2020" at the University of the Balearic Islands

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Part of the Wireless DNA team was present on the 10th and 11th of March in the event called "Job Day UIB 2020" in the Aula Magna of the Arxiduc Lluís Salvador Building of the University of the Balearic Islands. This initiative, organized by the Department of Orientation and Professional Insertion of the UIB (DOIP).

More than a hundred companies and entities, including Wireless DNA, were installed on the campus so that university students could contact them directly and find out about their employment and internship programs. This year, the Job Day was divided into two days. On the 10th, companies from a wide range of professional sectors participated and on the 11th the event was dedicated exclusively to companies in the technology sector. In total, more than 500 jobs and/or internships were advertised.

The university students who attended were able to meet the Human Resources managers of the participating companies and had the opportunity to prepare themselves to face their job search process.

In the section "Join our team" of our website you can consult the selection processes currently open to become part of our company.

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