Home Noticias Wireless DNA, one of the ten companies that will represent the Balearic Islands at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Wireless DNA, one of the ten companies that will represent the Balearic Islands at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

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A delegation of ten companies will represent the Balearic Islands at the Mobile World Congress (MWC2019), to be held in Barcelona. The Balearic Government Vice President, Bel Busquets, presided a press conference to present this delegation. José Mañas, CEO and co-founder of Wireless DNA, and Carlos Alonso, Director of Smart & Environment at Wireless DNA, attended the event on behalf of the companies from the islands that will present their work in the most important technological fair in the world.

At the Mobile World Congress, Wireless DNA will present its Atmosphere project, an early warning system based on advanced weather forecasts.

Como crear valor para el cliente

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

El primer paso para prevenir y resolver problemas

Transformamos la red de telefonía móvil en pluviómetros virtuales cero emisiones

Mejorando las predicciones meteorológicas a corto alcance

Tecnología 'inteligente' para la gestión del agua

Sensorización IoT para la gestión del suministro de agua en zonas críticas

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