Home Noticias Wireless DNA is invited to IB3 Ràdio to explain the keys to the Trump administration’s technological war against Huawei
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Wireless DNA is invited to IB3 Ràdio to explain the keys to the Trump administration’s technological war against Huawei

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José Mañas, CEO of Wireless DNA, was invited to the information and news program of IB3 Ràdio, 'Al dia'. Mañas attended as a telecommunications engineer to analyse the technological news related to the controversy generated by the Google veto to Huawei, a consequence of the protectionist policies of Donald Trump. Mañas, vice president of the Balearic Association of Software, Internet and New Technology Companies, was accompanied in the program by Tona Pou, manager of GSBIT.

You can listen to the interview here:

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Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

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