Home Noticias WIRELESS DNA finalist of the II Edition of the CAEB-SANTANDER Business Innovation Awards!
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

WIRELESS DNA finalist of the II Edition of the CAEB-SANTANDER Business Innovation Awards!

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Wireless DNA, finalist of the 'II Edition of the CAEB-Santander Awards for Business Innovation for SMEs'.

The business innovation projects presented by Wireless DNA, have been chosen as finalists of the 'II Edition of the CAEB-Santander Awards for Business Innovation for SMEs' with which, in the words of the president of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Carmen Planas, "we want to recognize and value the small and medium enterprises that are committed to innovation as a strategy for consolidation and growth".

An expert committee has selected these four candidates among the 21 submitted and the finalists will be able to defend their innovative projects before the jury on April 21 and then, at the same event, the decision will be announced and the award will be presented to the winning SME, as well as the distinctions to the three finalist companies in recognition of their work.

Wireless DNA, a company associated to GSBIT (Associació Balear d'Empreses de Software, Internet i Noves Tecnologies) has reached the final for its innovative project of quality audit of cell phone networks.

It should be recalled that, as a novelty, this second edition of the CAEB-Santander Awards for Business Innovation incorporates a distinction with economic endowment for the business organization in which the winning company is integrated "with the aim of encouraging the associationism and the role of business organizations in promoting innovation as a factor of competitiveness and support offered to its members to qualify for this award," said the president of CAEB.

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