Home Noticias Wireless DNA and Meteoclim receive the Innovative SME official seal awarded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Wireless DNA and Meteoclim receive the Innovative SME official seal awarded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

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In the Balearic Islands there are around thirty companies that have been distinguished with the Innovative SME official seal granted by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain. Two of these companies are Wireless DNA and Meteoclim (a company of Wireless DNA).

This prestigious distinction is granted to small and medium-sized companies that have received public funding in the last three years through the different state public calls or from the European Union (Horizon 2020 Program); or that own a patent or AENOR quality certifications for young innovative companies, small or innovative microenterprise, or R & D & I management systems.

Como crear valor para el cliente

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

El primer paso para prevenir y resolver problemas

Transformamos la red de telefonía móvil en pluviómetros virtuales cero emisiones

Mejorando las predicciones meteorológicas a corto alcance

Tecnología 'inteligente' para la gestión del agua

Sensorización IoT para la gestión del suministro de agua en zonas críticas

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