Home Noticias WIRELESS DNA achieved the CEPYME Technological Innovation 2017 Award!
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

WIRELESS DNA achieved the CEPYME Technological Innovation 2017 Award!

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Wireless DNA has been awarded the prestigious CEPYME Award 2017 (Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) in the category “PYME Technological Innovation”. The gala was celebrated in Madrid on December 4th, 2017, in the presence of the president of the government, Mariano Rajoy, the president of the Congress, Ana Pastor; the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez; the president of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Antonio Garamendil; the president of the CEOE, Juan Rosell and the president of the Spanish Federation of Self-employed workers, Pedro Barato.

Wireless DNA managed to get among the finalists of the category “PYME Technological Innovation” despite the more than 300 candidacies received in the fourth edition of these awards, whose objective is to recognize companies that contribute directly to economic and social progress, besides creating employment. Today, the jury’s decision has fallen on Wireless DNA, which competed against three other companies. Wireless DNA is a provider of the largest telecommunications companies in the world and has more than 20 years of experience in telecommunication networks, technology platforms and intelligent big data analysis in real time. From Israel to Mexico, Wireless DNA works in all over the world and has projects in America, Europe, Asia and Africa; all from its offices in Mallorca.

After a strategic synergy with 2GN, the social and solidarity platform of the neighbourhood economy, and Meteoclim, a leader company in meteorology and climatology; Wireless DNA prepares an ambitious and revolutionary project for 2018. A new concept of a Smart City system that guarantees the citizens efficient management of environmental resources, putting intelligent technology to the service of the society. This is Wireless DNA's second recognition in 2017, after the award it received in the 15th Anniversary of Parc Bit (the technological park of the Balearic Islands) for its brilliant career and most internationalized company, highlighting the innovation and the quality of intelligent technology.

Como crear valor para el cliente

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

El primer paso para prevenir y resolver problemas

Transformamos la red de telefonía móvil en pluviómetros virtuales cero emisiones

Mejorando las predicciones meteorológicas a corto alcance

Tecnología 'inteligente' para la gestión del agua

Sensorización IoT para la gestión del suministro de agua en zonas críticas

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