Home Noticias Public-private partnership for the creation of the "5G LabIB" between the Balearic Government and Wireless DNA
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Public-private partnership for the creation of the "5G LabIB" between the Balearic Government and Wireless DNA

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Signing of the collaboration agreement for the creation of the 5G LabIB

On November 3rd 2020, the Government of the Balearic Islands and Wireless DNA signed a collaboration agreement to create the "5G LabIB", a technological innovation node that will help the Balearic Islands to develop 5G mobile technology. The event was attended by the Director General of Innovation of the Conselleria of Energy Transition and Productive Sectors, Núria Riera; the manager of Fundació Bit, Álvaro Medina; the CEO and co-founder of Wireless DNA, José Mañas, and the Director General of Modernization and Digital Administration, Ramón Roca.

Fundació Bit and the company Wireless DNA sign this agreement with the aim of establishing a 5G ecosystem, located in Parc Bit, for the capture of information, the sharing of knowledge and the implementation of initiatives, experiences and projects in which the different actors related to 5G will be involved. Thus, the creation of the 5G LabIb Hub will contribute to making the Parc Bit a space for experimentation to test and validate this technology.

Synergy between Fundació Bit and Wireless DNA in Parc Bit in Palma

In order to achieve these objectives, Fundació Bit will make the infrastructure of Parc Bit available as a laboratory, provide the necessary human resources and provide the facilities to carry out the different activities that are developed within the framework of the 5G LabIB. In addition, the Fundació Bit will be responsible for interacting with institutions and actors involved, seeking competitive funding to develop the various projects that are developed in the 5G LabIB, and will carry out the tasks of communication and project monitoring.

For its part, the company WDNA will be in charge of providing the technological platform to accompany the different projects, as well as organizing specialized training with everything related to 5G: communication protocols, hardware development, platform, and business development, among others.

The event focused on the offer of products and services based on RDI solutions by Wireless DNA, and highlighted its commitment to research and technological innovation, specializing in networks monitoring, auditing and optimisation, and offering innovative solutions through intelligent technologies WDNA (Wireless Domestic Network Auditors) will also lead the monitoring of 5G network deployments and capabilities to ensure universality of service from an independent point of view to operators and technology manufacturers, ensuring compliance with standards and regulated requirements on key aspects of quality, availability, safety and public health.

A commitment to public-private initiatives

The aim of this agreement is to promote public-private initiatives that make it possible to build an ecosystem that integrates 5G solutions and create a network of actors involved in 5G, which will be offered help and advice to promote projects and solutions in this technology. In this way, both entities will work to find companies and organisations that can join the agreement and become part of the network of entities that will become part of these collaborations.

5G technology is the new paradigm of wireless communications and will also be the essential technological component in the digital transformation of society and the economy in the most advanced countries in the coming years. The main solutions for this digital transformation will be supported through this type of network; such as the Internet of things, massive data (big data), robotics, virtual reality or ultra high definition.

The Director General of Modernisation and Digital Administration, Ramón Roca, also wanted to highlight that the development of projects based on 5G technology "will allow the Balearic Islands to position itself in the technological innovation sector through a technology of capital importance for economic development in general and for transformation in areas such as transport, multimedia, territorial management or the productive sectors". Not in vain, the incorporation of 5G networks is creating imported expectations of impact because "it will facilitate the development of emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, telemedicine, intelligent manufacturing or the Internet of things, among others".

Attached below is the press clipping with media appearances relating to this convention:

IB3 TV (programme Notícies Migdia):Diario de Mallorca (online and printed)Economía de MallorcaDiari de BalearsEuropa PressAra BalearsLa Vanguardia20 MinutosNoticiasMallorca.esSección de Prensa de Fundació BitSección de Prensa de Govern de les Illes Balears

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