Home Noticias Our CEO Jose Mañas reflects on innovation, technology and sustainable development at the presentation of Connect'Up 2020 initiative
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Our CEO Jose Mañas reflects on innovation, technology and sustainable development at the presentation of Connect'Up 2020 initiative

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The opening ceremony of Connect'Up 2020, took place on July 28th, organized by Grupo Serra and sponsored by CaixaBank; a new edition of this platform that promotes business ideas and entrepreneurship. It is part of the promotion of the Balearic economy thanks to the drive of the island's entrepreneurs; a training and mentoring program that is the result of the connection that brings together most of the innovative organizations and companies in the Balearic Islands. The connection creates collective and collaborative intelligence for our environment.

Wireless DNA CEO, José Mañas, vicepresident of GsBIT (Balearic Association of Software, Internet and New Technology Companies) and president of R&D CAEB commission (Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands) wanted to point out in his speech that "we must look at entrepreneurship from another angle so that it solves problems. Any innovation that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) will have a business opportunity [...] It is necessary to innovate through values, organization, intelligence, beauty and love".

The success of past editions confirms how important it is to continue this project for another year. During the event, a video of the winners of the Start'Up 2019 category (Hustle Got Real) was shown, where their CEO Miguel Pieras explained how going through Connect'Up 2019 gave them experience and allowed them to close the first line of financing.

On the other hand, Guillermo García, one of the promoters of Inn Sampol, the winning project in the Grow category, encouraged participation in this project after their experience, which has allowed them to promote innovation for everyone, from the base to top management, with more than a thousand employees.

With this edition, Connect'Up has established itself as the connecting point for entrepreneurial projects on the Balearic Islands. Projects can begin to be presented from August 1st and will compete for the prize for the most innovative. During the month of September and October, a complete training and mentoring programme will be carried out specifically for each category.

Here we attach media appearances concerning this initiative:

News in Última Hora (28/07/2020):José Mañas, vicepresidente de GsBIT: "Para tener éxito se debe innovar para las personas y proteger lo que queremos"Interview in IB3 Televisió "5 dies" (28/07/2020):News in Última Hora (29/07/2020):Despega el Connect’Up 2020 (online version and paper version)News in El Económico (31/07/2020):Connect'Up 2020, "sus" al emprendimiento (paper version)

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