Home Noticias Official visit of El Pi to Wireless DNA’s facilities
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Official visit of El Pi to Wireless DNA’s facilities

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Last Monday, May 20, a delegation from the parliamentary group Proposta per les Illes visited the facilities of Wireless DNA, in Parc Bit, to learn about the project.

The representation of El Pi, led by its president and candidate for the Parliament, Jaume Font, and by the candidate for the mayoralty of Palma, Josep Melià, wanted to learn about the WDNA business model, its applications and the product lines that are developed both in its headquarters in Palma and in Mexico.

In addition, Font and Melià were interested in learning about the different problems faced by technological and innovative companies such as Wireless DNA when it comes to finding financing or applying for competitive bidding. Also, the complications related to the management and retention of talent for the development of totally innovative products of practical application that improve our society.

At the end of their visit, Jaume Font attended the different media that came to the facilities and assured their commitment to "increase the budget in R & D to reach the Spanish average."

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