Home Noticias Meteoclim joins Wireless DNA
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

Meteoclim joins Wireless DNA

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The company Meteoclim Services has been integrated into Wireless DNA. Meteoclim is a technology-based company specializing in meteorology, climate change and climatology, which was launched as a spin-off of the University of the Balearic Islands.

WDNA is a company that offers products and services based on R&D&I solutions. Since its inception it has specialized in network monitoring, auditing and optimization, offering innovative solutions aimed at maximizing the benefit of its customers. The synergies with Meteoclim allow Wireless DNA to expand its service proposal with an innovative meteorological monitoring and prediction system with high spatial resolution that will revolutionize nowcasting or very short-term forecasts at high resolution. To achieve this, the company uses information obtained from analyzing how the waves of mobile telephony vary with changing atmospheric conditions.

All this is achieved thanks to Entropy, the WDNA platform that monitors and audits networks in real time and ensures their correct operation over time. A transversal solution, totally flexible and scalable, that serves all the verticals deployed in the smart networks of the present and the future.

Como crear valor para el cliente

Wireless DNA winner of the 2nd Open Challenge edition.

El primer paso para prevenir y resolver problemas

Transformamos la red de telefonía móvil en pluviómetros virtuales cero emisiones

Mejorando las predicciones meteorológicas a corto alcance

Tecnología 'inteligente' para la gestión del agua

Sensorización IoT para la gestión del suministro de agua en zonas críticas

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