Home Noticias José Mañas is appointed vice president of GSBIT
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

José Mañas is appointed vice president of GSBIT

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On April 29, GSBIT, the Balearic Association of Software, Internet and New Technologies Companies, held its ordinary meeting of partners in which José Mañas, Wireless DNA's CEO, was named vice president of the entity.

The new board of directors, that will act as such during the next two years, was presented during the meeting. The main positions, besides Mañas, are: Xavier March (Web Refinery) that renews as president, Jorge Morell (Terms and Conditions) that occupies the post of secretary and Sebastià Vidal (Quonext) who will exercise the functions of treasurer.

Among the different points that were discussed at the meeting, which refer to the action plan foreseen for this mandate, the following stand out:

Promote actions with public administrations and social agents to improve visibility of the organization.Creation of a range of working committees in specific areas: education and training, external and internal relations and events.The incorporation of a member of staff to support management in their administrative tasks and in the day-to-day management of the association.

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