Home Noticias José Mañas attends a meeting of the U-tad Data Committee and CEOE’s R+D+I Committee
18.05.2024 WDNA Group

José Mañas attends a meeting of the U-tad Data Committee and CEOE’s R+D+I Committee

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Wireless DNA, represented by its CEO, José Mañas, attended on September 19 a meeting of the U-tad Data Committee. The main companies of the BigData ecosystem in Spain are members of this committee (Telefónica, Banco Santander, Minsait by Indra, Vodafone, Bi Geek, Lang.ai, Wireless DNA (WDNA), Neoris, Open Systems ...). Its main objectives are to analyse the state of the ‘Data’ sector, its technology, trends and the need for specific profiles, in order to constantly update the qualifications and offer training that responds to the real needs of the market.

Following the meeting, Mañas attended the celebration of the In2Data event in which very interesting presentations were given by highly-regarded professionals such as Alberto Rorai (data scientist in Cabify), Federico Castanedo (lead telco data scientist and EMEA CFDS at DataRobot), Alejandro Ibarra (Latam video manager at Telefónica) and Marco Benjumeda (IA specialist at Olocip).

During the morning, the WDNA CEO participated in the R&D&i de la CEOE (Confederation of Employers and Industries of Spain), as chairman of the Innovation Commission of the CAEB. The event was attended by Antonio Garamendi, president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations.

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