Home Noticias Wireless DNA at the forefront of smart waste management in the Balearic Islands
18.05.2024 Technologies

Wireless DNA at the forefront of smart waste management in the Balearic Islands

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Since we announced a few months ago the launch of a pilot project with the City Council of Marratxí for the installation of smart containers, we have continued to work intensively on this issue. Our solution for waste management, consisting in the installation of smart containers, continues to grow and consolidate as a benchmark in the Balearic Islands.

Tirme, the waste management concession company in Mallorca, has launched the Circular Hotels initiative with the purpose of reducing waste and promoting local products, in collaboration with hotel chains Meliá, Iberostar, Riu and Garden Hotels. Wireless DNA is responsible for supplying the measurement sensors and the real-time IoT monitoring system for this project.

To carry out a pilot test related to this project, Wireless DNA, with the collaboration of TIRME and the hotel chain Meliá, has obtained a grant from Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori of Govern de les Illes Balears to facilitate the implementation of a system for monitoring waste weighing. All this as part of a proof of concept of a circular economy based on the transformation of the organic fraction of the waste into compost to be returned to the local agricultural sector, whose production will be purchased by the Palma Convention Centre and its Meliá Palma Bay hotel to be reincorporated into its supply chain.

A business synergy involving various entities to fight climate change and its effects, with a common mission: to achieve a reduction in the production of waste, its reuse and its reintegration into the production chain in order to close the circle, reducing the emission of C02 gases, in line with compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals driven by the United Nations. A commitment by Wireless DNA to align its products, services and corporate culture with ODS compliance through conviction, not obligation.

We are looking to promote an inclusive economic growth encouraging the innovation, so that our society is more aware of the efficient use of resources, creating strong partnerships starting from the local context to ensure modalities of sustainable consumption and production.

The project with tirme in the press

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