Home Noticias Our CEO José Mañas explains the concept of "sensors" in a video for Institut d'Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears (IDI)
18.05.2024 Technologies

Our CEO José Mañas explains the concept of "sensors" in a video for Institut d'Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears (IDI)

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Our CEO José Mañas explains in this video from Institut d'Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears (IDI) the sensors, one of the #Industry4.0 concepts that Wireless DNA uses daily in its monitoring, auditing and network optimization projects.

The digital transformation is already a reality and has to be incorporated within companies because they can be competitive and increase their added value. It is intrinsically linked to business strategy. Therefore, digital technology has to contribute to create value for the customer and adapt to the needs of consumers. The necessary change that has to be made is not only technological, but also in the use and application of this technology, as well as in the people who work in the organisation, in order to make processes more efficient, optimise costs, manage to increase income and consolidate the relationship with customers.

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