Home Noticias Research program ENTROPY WEATHER to transform telecommunication networks into meteorological observation networks!
18.05.2024 Technologies

Research program ENTROPY WEATHER to transform telecommunication networks into meteorological observation networks!

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The project Entropy Weather is part of a research program that aims to transform telecommunications networks into meteorological observation networks. In particular, this project is a first step towards the analysis and management of telecommunications networks to detect various factors that affect the signal quality, such as interference, configuration errors, attenuation, etc.

Entropy Weather has focused on the development of an algorithm that allows to calculate precipitation intensities in real time using an existing infrastructure such as the mobile telephony transport network. We have identified and developed different algorithms that process the signal levels of microwave links and obtain rainfall intensity estimates. The results show that the estimates of precipitation using our algorithms are similar to those observed with rain gauges, obtaining a reliability of around 75%.

The resulting product is very innovative in the business world since, until now, its scope has been exclusive of specialized research groups. These techniques allow to substantially increase the number of precipitation intensity measurements. The new measurements, combined with conventional precipitations measurements from weather stations and radar, will allow to develop more accurate nowcasting systems, which will further improve protocols of preventive action and risk management in the event of extreme weather conditions.

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