Home Noticias José Mañas, speaker at Cercle d'Economia de Mallorca online conference series "Emerging and strategic technologies"
18.05.2024 Perspectives

José Mañas, speaker at Cercle d'Economia de Mallorca online conference series "Emerging and strategic technologies"

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On September 10th at 4pm, our CEO José Mañas also vice-president of the GsBIT (Balearic Association of Software, Internet and New Technology Companies) and president of the R&D commission of CAEB (Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands) will give an online talk as part of the series of conferences on "Emerging and strategic technologies" organised by the Cercle d'Economia de Mallorca, an entity that was born more than 25 years ago with the mission of cooperating in the revitalisation and modernisation of the economic life of the islands and contributing to social progress and welfare.

Under the title "Circular Innovation" this digital session will deal with the current situation of the IOT (Internet Of Things) and communication networks, their challenges and opportunities. Among other topics, Mañas will reflect on the present situation of IoT networks in the Balearic Islands and the capacity of IOT sensors based on developments carried out in Mallorca, as well as Wireless DNA projects related to real-time waste monitoring (5GWaste), with cold chain control (Cooling Patrol) and with wind monitoring using 2D/3D solid state anemometers in urban environments oriented to the flight of drones (5GAnemometer). Projects that are governed by a common objective: to promote innovation in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDB).

Those who are interested in participating by videoconference should sign up by email (cercle@cerclemallorca.org) and can do so through this link Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us

Meeting ID: 837 1229 9886Access Code: 510870

Within this cycle of conferences we can also find presentations such as "Blockchain and distributed systems", which will be given by Tomeu Olivares (CEO Gate2Chain) in September and "Renewable energies and electric cars" whose main speaker will be Martín Ribas (CEO of Endesa Baleares) in October.

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