Home Noticias Meteoclim analyses a cold drop episode on IB3 Televisió
27.07.2024 On the media

Meteoclim analyses a cold drop episode on IB3 Televisió

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Mallorca has experienced this week a striking episode of cold drop that Meteoclim has analysed on IB3 Televisió. The severity of the rainfall in a short space of time was particularly striking. In fact, in some parts of the island more than 60 litres per square metre have been recorded.

Iván Domínguez, physicist at Meteoclim, took part in the magazine "Cinc Dies" to explain what happened. These intensity values were even higher than those recorded by the stations. This cold drop in Mallorca left such intense rainfall in a very short time that they were not able to collect all this rain.

As a result of this torrential rain and strong gusts of wind there has been a sharp drop in temperatures, which have been unusually high in recent days.

Watch this video here:

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