Home Noticias Opinion article in Diari Ara Balears by José Mañas, CEO of Wireless DNA
18.05.2024 On the media

Opinion article in Diari Ara Balears by José Mañas, CEO of Wireless DNA

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We share the opinion article of our CEO and vice president of the Balearic Association of Software, Internet and New Technology Companies, José Mañas, published on Saturday, May 9, 2020 in the regional newspaper Ara Balears with the title "This is not the time for a "technological roundabouts" E-Plan".

In this publication, Mañas states that it is time to plan and execute economic diversification in the Balearic Islands, with the aim of emerging stronger from this situation. "Not only public administrations are lacking in technicians. Private companies everywhere also have this deficit of specialized professionals and, given the immediate future, we must strengthen a training plan that promotes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and also the arts" says our CEO.

Here you can read the full article (translated into English)

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