Home Noticias El Confidential publishes an extensive report about our innovative high-spatial-resolution weather forecasting system
18.05.2024 On the media

El Confidential publishes an extensive report about our innovative high-spatial-resolution weather forecasting system

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Teknautas, the technology section of the newspaper El Confidencial, has published a complete article based on an extensive interview with the Wireless DNA team, entitled "This ingenious Spanish system will tell you at what exact time (and how much) it will rain on your street". The content of the news signed by the journalist José Pichel, highlights, among other aspects, the precision capacity of our innovative weather monitoring and prediction system. WDNA Atmosphere reaches a spatial resolution of up to 200 meters with 2 hours lead time. The article also explains how we use the information on how the mobile telephony waves vary depending on atmospheric conditions.

The article can be accessed in the following link:

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